Womens Health GP Clinics
Our clinic specialises in providing comprehensive healthcare tailored to women's unique needs. We are dedicated to offering services that prioritise the specific concerns and wellness goals of women at every stage of life. Whether you need guidance on family planning, menstrual health, or overall well-being, we're here to provide personalised medical expertise you can trust.
Other Services:
We are currently not accepting new clients for our Women's Health GP clinics. Nurse appointments are available.
About our doctors:
We have two doctors who specialise in Women’s Health, Mental Health and Domestic Violence. We take a holistic approach to health care and focus on prevention, early intervention and the effective management of chronic conditions.
Our doctors are:
Dr Frances Chen – Monday 8.45am-4.00pm and Thursday 8.45am-3.30pm (on leave until July 2025)
Dr Melissa Tang – Thursday 9.15am-3.30pm
Our doctors care for women across the range of women’s health issues including:
Reproductive and sexual health
Gynaecology issues
Cervical screening test
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening
Menstrual problems
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) removal
Implanon insertion and removal
Implanon and IUD problems
Pregnancy planning
Pregnancy tests
Antenatal shared care
Pregnancy options
Termination of pregnancy referrals
Breastfeeding education and support
Post natal checks
Mental Health Care Plans
Domestic and Family Violence
Refer to our Fees page for billing details. Bring your valid Medicare card. Also bring your valid Pensioner Card, Health Care Card, or Full time Student Card if applicable.
Who can have an appointment?
Any woman.
About appointments with us: Please be on time for your appointment, we also aim to be on time. First appointments are 45 minutes and follow up appointments are half an hour or 15 minutes, depending on the issue. Reception staff will attempt to notify you of any delays. If there is an emergency, this will be given priority.
Missed or Cancelled Appointments: Please phone us if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment. If there have been two successive appointments or a pattern of missed appointments, your health professional will speak with you about the reasons and your needs. We may not be able to continue to provide appointments for clients who miss their appointments.
Longer Appointments: If you would like a longer appointment, please let the receptionist know when you are booking your appointment.
Home Visits: Home visits are available to our clients but due to centre restrictions can only be offered under specific circumstances. If you are unable to attend the centre and require care, we ask that you call us to discuss your circumstances and our GP availability.
Care Outside Opening Hours:
In case of emergency dial 000 or go to the nearest public hospital emergency department. Local hospitals close to the centre are:
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - Missenden Road Camperdown
Canterbury Hospital - Canterbury Road Campsie
Concord Hospital - Hospital Road Concord
If you require care outside opening hours, you may contact:
Sydney Medical Service Co-operative Limited Tel. 8724 6300
After Hours GP Helpline 1800 022 222 or
Leichhardt Medical and Dental Practice, 30-38 Short Street Leichhardt Tel. 9561 3333.
or go to:
General Practice Casualty, Balmain Hospital, Booth Street Balmain (8am to 10pm 7 days)
The After Hours GP Clinic in Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury Road Campsie (Monday to Friday 6pm – midnight; Saturday 1pm – midnight, Sunday 10am – midnight)
Nearest Medicare Urgent Care Clinic
For all enquiries please contact us.
Contattaci oggi
Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre offre servizi sanitari completi, incentrati sul cliente e basati sui traumi, supporto e formazione a donne emarginate e svantaggiate economicamente.
LWCHC si impegna ad accogliere la diversità ed eliminare ogni forma di discriminazione nella fornitura di servizi sanitari. LWCHC accoglie tutte le donne indipendentemente da etnia, salute mentale, storia di suicidalità, uso di droghe, fede, orientamento sessuale o identità di genere.
Non siamo un centro di consulenza per crisi o un centro di accoglienza. I nostri operatori vedono le donne su appuntamento. Chiamaci per saperne di più o per prenotare un appuntamento: 9560 3011. Se hai una condizione medica urgente, vai direttamente in ospedale o chiama lo 000.
Finanziato da NSW Health