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Women Partners

Support groups, counselling and information for women who have discovered their partners are having sex with other men.

Full Stop Australia

24/7 free confidential trauma specialist counselling and information to people subject to domestic, sexual, or family violence.


National domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.


24/7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporters to yarn to in a confidential, culturally safe environment.


Providing access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.


Providing a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ community.

Family Planning NSW

Low-cost reproductive and sexual health services and information.

Breastscreen NSW

Free breast screening mammograms to women across NSW.

Canterbury City Community Centre

A locally based non-government organisation dedicated to enhancing local quality of life, fostering social inclusion, and promoting community harmony.

24 Hour Domestic
Violence Line

Whatever your situation, or whenever the abuse occurred, it is important to know that support is available.

3Bridges Summer Hill Community Centre

Family support services to the local community.


Provides community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders.

Aboriginal Medical Services

Health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal Women’s & Children’s Crisis Service

Support to Aboriginal women and children in the community experiencing domestic or family violence through various Aboriginal Women’s Outreach Services.

Ask Izzy

Online support service for people in need of housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and more.

Asylum Seekers Centre

Support for people living in the community who are seeking asylum.

Australian Women’s Health Network

A health promotion advocacy organisation providing information on women’s health.

Benevolent Society

Programs and services for older Australians, carers, people living with a disability, children and families.

Beyond Blue

Whether you're seeking mental health info or qualified support for you or someone else.

Blue Knot Foundation

Support for adult survivors of childhood trauma including abuse, their supporters, and professionals that work with them.

Carers NSW

Information, education, resources and referrals to support carers in NSW.

Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network

Our local Primary Health Network, contains a community directory with contact details for local medical and other health services.

Centre for Women’s Economic Safety

Free support and financial counselling for women experiencing financial and economic abuse, or financial hardship and insecurity as a result of domestic and family violence.

Community and Cultural Connections

Free and confidential information, referrals and advocacy services for seniors – based in Marrickville.

Daisy app

Download the Daisy app to connect to support services in your local area.

Deaf Society NSW

Established in 1913, the Deaf Society of NSW works towards a vision of "Equity for Deaf People".

Department of Communities and Justice - Staying Home Leaving Violence

Support program for people experiencing domestic violence to remain in their homes.

Detour House
(The Girls Refuge)

Crisis refuge for girls and young women.

First Nations Women’s Legal Contact Line

Free confidential legal advice and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW (including family and domestic violence, sexual assault, discrimination, family law and victim support).

G’day Line

Offers a supportive voice to older Australians seeking a sense of belonging and connection.


Confidential and free mental health support for young people and their family.

Inner City Legal Centre

Statewide legal advice service for LGBTQIA+ community.

Intellectual Disability Rights Service

IDRS is a free service for people with intellectual or other cognitive impairment. The Ability Rights Centre offers free legal advocacy for people living with disability.

Kids Help Line

24/7 phone service for young people aged 5 to 25 – help available anytime for any reason.

Kirketon Road Centre

Provides free and anonymous care to people who experience barriers to accessing health care.

Legal Aid

Free legal support including advice, information and referrals for people experiencing disadvantage with legal matters.

Legal Aid NSW Domestic Violence Unit

Specialist free domestic and family violence legal assistance.

Let them Know

Information about STIs also providing an SMS service to partners.


Information, assessment or referral to homelessness services and support in NSW.

Lou’s Place

Drop in centre in Redfern for women in crisis, feeling isolated or needing support.

Marrickville Legal Centre

Free legal advice, advocacy and casework.

Midjuburi Youth Resource Centre

A safe space for young people in the Inner West to engage in creative activities.

Moving Out Moving On

Outreach support to women impacted by domestic and family violence.

Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women’s Centre

Drop-in support for Aboriginal women and their families.

NSW Health information on STIs

An STI is any infection which is passed from one person to another person during sexual activity. Sexual activity can include oral, vaginal and anal sex.

NSW Sexual Violence Helpline

24/7 counselling and support for anyone in NSW impacted by sexual violence, recently or in the past.

National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service

24/7 support for adults who experienced sexual assault as children and are involved in the National Redress Scheme.

Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

Assistance to vulnerable people, particularly those at risk of social isolation, homelessness and domestic violence.

Older Womens Network NSW

Promotes the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women.

Parent Line NSW

Free telephone counselling and support service for parents and carers in NSW.


Provides free and confidential LGBTQIA+ peer support and referral.

Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline

24/7 counselling and support for anyone in Australia from LGBTQIA+ communities who have experienced sexual, domestic or family violence recently or in the past.

Redfern Legal Centre

Free legal advice, advocacy and casework.

Relationships Australia

Provider of counselling for individuals, couples, or families, family dispute resolution, online courses and groups, and other support services.

Senior Rights Service

Supporting older people with free legal advice, advocacy and information.

Settlement Services International

Connects people from diverse backgrounds with opportunities.

Sexual Health Info Link

Access to information on all aspects of HIV, STIs and sexual health.

Sydney Multicultural Community Services

Helps CALD communities suffering from language barriers, isolation, disability, poverty, disadvantage and helplessness.

Sydney Sexual Health Centre

Offers testing, treatment and management for sexually transmissible infections and HIV.

Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre

Specialist individual counselling for women aged 18 years and over experiencing disadvantage. Specialising in general mental health, domestic and family violence, sexual assault, alcohol and other-drugs, and gambling help.

The Butterfly Foundation

Support for anyone impacted by body image issues and/or eating disorders.

The Gender Centre

Services and support for the trans and gender diverse community.

Victims Services NSW

Victims Services provides information, referrals and programs to victims of crime in NSW.

Weave Women and Children’s Centre

Offers a safe and welcoming space for women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre

NSW-wide community legal advice, casework, court support, and education for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women, children and youth.

Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS)

Free support services for women experiencing domestic and family violence anywhere in NSW.

Women’s Legal Service NSW

Free legal advice and casework for NSW women experiencing disadvantage.

Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre

Crisis accommodation, housing and case management for women and their families.



LWCHC 致力于包容多样性,消除医疗服务提供过程中的一切歧视。LWCHC 欢迎所有女性,不论其种族、心理健康状况、自杀史、吸毒史、信仰、性取向或性别认同。

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莱卡特妇女社区健康中心 (LWCHC) 承认并尊重 Eora 族的 Gadigal 和 Wangal 族人,他们是我们所在土地的传统守护者。我们承认原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的文化和精神习俗的延续。LWCHC 支持《发自内心的乌鲁鲁声明》。

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