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Our Stories

For over 40 years, Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre has provided health care to an estimated 140,000 women. 94% of clients reported their health had improved as a result of the health care they had received and 97% of women participating in health education reported increased skills as a result of participating in their programs. An often heard expression is ‘the centre changed my life.’ We wanted to know more. We wanted to understand just what it had done to have this effect. We invited women to talk to us, and the result is 40 Stories for 40 Years.

We had known that Leichhardt Women’s held a special place in many people’s lives. Having the fortune to be the first women’s health centre in Australia, and opening at the same time as the country’s first refuge for women and children escaping domestic violence and the first rape crisis centre, the centre seemed to act as a bookmark in history. A lot of women of a certain age have a story to tell about helping set it up, recalling what they were doing when they heard it had opened, or coming for health care or a discussion group in those early days.

You will see from 40 Stories, that there seem to be themes. Women talk about the importance of the women-only environment and the safety it gives them to feel comfortable raising issues, the skills of the staff, the range of services and how staff work collaboratively with each other and other health care providers, the emphasis on being provided with information on their options, the respect they receive, the affordable costs and the time spent with them. They speak of the centre’s treatments resolving or improving health problems that had previously been stubborn to shift or not detected.

For four decades the centre has aimed to improve women’s health and play a role in creating a healthy, vibrant community. We want to learn what works, and reflect on what women say they need. And so, to mark 40 years, it seems entirely appropriate to hear from some of the women themselves.

We hope you enjoy 40 Stories for 40 Years as much as we feel privileged to be sharing this part of the centre’s life. Look for 40 Stories for 40 Years in the Downloads section of this page.

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