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Domestic Family and Sexual Violence

Domestic violence is when a person or persons in a relationship or family use behaviour that is violent, threatening or controlling against you. There are many ways domestic violence can happen, and all are serious.  Domestic violence can come from your intimate partner, ex-partner or other family members such as a father-in-law, cousin or adult child.

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Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men

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If you think you are in danger or feel afraid, call the police on 000.

Domestic violence can include:

  • Physical violence – e.g. hitting, choking or burning.

  • Sexual violence - e.g. sexual assault, penetration, unwanted touching, Non-Fatal Strangulation.

  • Emotional abuse and psychological abuse – e.g. makes a client feel crazy, tells the client that they are crazy, does not respect boundaries.

  • Coercive control - e.g. controlling behaviour intended to make the client feel afraid, controls what the client says, threatens to hurt themselves, the client, a family member, or pet (1st July 2024 coercive control became a legally recognised as a crime).

  • Financial abuse – e.g. the client has no control over their finances, and they are not allowed or encouraged to work.

  • Technology abuse – e.g. the client’s phone is constantly checked, surveillance devices are on their phone or in the home, intimate images of the client are shared without permission.


Domestic and family violence is very common:

  • 1 in 4 women have experienced domestic and family violence since the age of 15

  • 1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence, since the age of 15. 


All forms of domestic, family and sexual violence are crimes against you. It is important to know that domestic violence is never your fault. (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2021).

Leichardt Women’s Community Health Centre will, in February 2025, begin a comprehensive new screening for Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence. Clients will be given an opportunity to participate with their practitioner in the screening, and receive support and referrals based on their needs and wishes. The screening is opt in for clients. All responses will be kept confidential unless Centre staff are legally required to activate safety responses for those at risk of serious harm, including children and young people.

Non-Fatal Strangulation

Additionally, the Centre is rolling out Women’s Health NSW’s It Left No Marks project ( which seeks to increase understanding and awareness of non-fatal strangulation and choking that women can experience, within Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence. This means that the Centre’s screening will incorporate questions around experiences of choking and strangulation. Specific referral pathways are in place for women who require immediate, short term and longer-term support as a result of their experiences of strangulation. All of our staff have received robust training in how to screen, identify, and support women in need of this specialist support.

Anti-Violence Case Manager

Additionally, the Centre now has a designated part time Anti-Violence Case Manager whose role is to support women to access and navigate Non-Fatal Strangulation referral pathways, and support health specific Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence needs. This role is brief intervention only, triaged on a needs basis with priority given to those requiring support with Non-Fatal Strangulation. Please ask to speak to the Anti-Violence Case Manager should you have any questions in regard to what support can be offered.


There are many options and organisations available to you to help you make the most informed decisions about your safety. Please look in our Directory for these organisations.

For all enquiries please contact us.

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Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre provides client centred and trauma informed wrap-around health services, support and education to marginalised and financially disadvantaged women.


LWCHC is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services. LWCHC welcomes all women irrespective of ethnicity, mental health, history of suicidality, drug use, faith, sexual orientation, or gender identity.


We are not a crisis counselling or drop-in centre. Our practitioners see women by appointment. Phone us to find out more or to book an appointment: 9560 3011. If you have an urgent medical condition, please go straight to the hospital or dial 000.

Funded by NSW Health


+61 2 9560 3011

55 Thornley Street,
(Cnr Cary Street)
Leichhardt NSW 2040

PO Box 240
Leichhardt NSW 2040

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